The Crossroads Experience

Middle School

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The Middle School experience is defined by a harmonious balance of guidance and exploration. Our students receive tailored instruction that channels their curiosity into unfamiliar curricular terrain and helps them make informed choices about their own educational pursuits.

Building Bonds

Surrounded by adults who understand and value this crucial developmental stage, our students enter meaningful conversations with teachers, coaches, deans and administrators. Our faculty members are mentors who create an environment for students to work collaboratively while fostering strong relationships.

Challenges and Choices

The Middle School is characterized by exposure to new ideas and the freedom to explore developing interests. Self-advocacy and self-expression flourish as over 80 Options classes and rotations in PE and the arts introduce new subject matter and inspire students to make educated decisions about their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Academic Adventure

Our students joyfully tackle new material while sharpening their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As they begin appreciating uncertainty, they also start seeking out intellectual complexities on their own by asking thoughtful questions and making connections across disciplines.

Middle School

To learn more about our Middle School curriculum, click on any of the subject headers below.

List of 10 items.

  • Core

    The Middle School Core program combines language arts, history and social studies into one double-period class, integrating knowledge and ideas across key disciplines and subject areas. The curriculum covers premodern belief systems and migration in sixth grade, American studies in seventh grade and human rights in the modern world in eighth grade. Students read history, fiction and literary nonfiction of increasing sophistication, building a global cultural awareness and comprehension of challenging texts. Creative and analytical writing assignments teach students to communicate effectively and reason soundly. Student-led projects including graphic narratives, mock trials and formal debates cultivate engagement. Through the combined study of literature and history, students develop the knowledge base and the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in high school.
  • Science

    Students learn recurring concepts in the fields of physical, biological, and earth sciences through a spiral curriculum, mastering science process skills such as observing, inferring, hypothesizing, data collecting, graphing, analyzing and drawing conclusions. Students design controlled experiments and record their results in formal scientific writing, annually developing an iScience project based on their own inquiry. Students participate in collaborative robotics projects; study different ecosystems on EOE trips; utilize the Maker Space; and explore the campus and our community.
  • Math

    The math program emphasizes active student participation and consistent practice of skills. Students are encouraged to communicate and collaborate as they explain their understanding, reasoning, and solutions to other students. Discovery of math concepts emerges from a problem-based, task-oriented approach. Various strategies and styles, including hands-on learning, projects, integration of technology and independent practice make our program unique. The curriculum includes arithmetic practice; linear equations and graphs; and a full year of algebra in eighth grade.
  • World Languages

    Sixth graders take Spanish class, often building upon foundations established in Elementary School. Seventh grade students have the choice to continue taking Spanish or to switch to Latin or French, making a two-year commitment to study the language of their choice through eighth grade. Students have the option to continue their language studies at a more advanced level in the Upper School.
  • The Arts

    Professional artists and arts educators establish collaborative, supportive learning environments to cultivate imagination, craftsmanship, patience and self-esteem. Growth mindset and creative risk-taking are enthusiastically nurtured through dance, music and theater. Every student spends nearly four hours weekly in required arts courses. They may choose to enroll in more via the Electives block and after-school options such as the Middle School Players, which performs a winter and a spring theater production.
  • Experiential and Outdoor Education

    Sixth graders head to Joshua Tree National Park for hiking, rock climbing and an in-depth study of desert biomes. Seventh graders experience the marine environment at Morro Bay.  Eighth grade EOE options include a local beach camping trip at Point Mugu, a snowshoe adventure through Mt. San Jacinto or rock climbing in Joshua Tree . These trips are designed to focus on resilience, environmental science and technical outdoor skills. While students develop character and confidence through fun and challenging activities, they also connect with the science curriculum through lessons that unite what is taught in the classroom with the outdoor environment. During the school year, EOE may also offer Middle School students community service opportunities or other after-school outdoor activities.
  • Athletics

    Student-athletes participate in a wide variety of after-school sports programs while maintaining a high level of competition. Crossroads fields over 25 teams in 13 sports and is a proud member of the Pacific Basin and Delphic Leagues. Our comprehensive program is led by seasoned coaches who teach fundamental skills, strength and conditioning in addition to sport-specific strategy. The Athletic Department strives to create an environment where students can develop their athletic talents; learn new skills; practice fair play; become better cooperative learners; and most importantly, have fun.
  • Life Skills

    This unique, process-oriented class is designed to raise students’ self-awareness, compassion and appreciation for others. Students reflect on their lives and examine the quality of their relationships to themselves, others and the larger community. The program promotes resilience to cope more effectively with life’s challenges; cultivates self-esteem and empathy; and fosters a sense of connectedness and appreciation for different points of view. The class practices a Council style-format: Students sit in a circle, speak one at a time and listen intently. Students also participate in storytelling, informal discussions, group-building games and activities, and art projects.
  • Physical Education

    The Physical Education program is a place where students learn new skills, games and activities with an emphasis on teamwork and sportsmanship.  Each class is structured with a warm up and tag game so the students have the opportunity to be playful and work on their movement before they begin their unit.  Students have the opportunity to experience a variety of physical movements, varying from individual, team, traditional sports and nontraditional sports. This varies to everything from circus skills, pickleball and aquatics to volleyball and capture the flag.  Games are modified so that students emphasize passing, teamwork and skill development. 
  • Electives

    The Middle School Electives program is a daily 40-minute block for students to pursue topics of interest, including some that are not typically included in the regular schedule of classes. Students can take up to four different electives over the course of a single school year.
    Options courses can include everything from Mathletes to Filmmaking to Gender in the U.S.


The Middle School Electives program is a daily 40-minute block for students to pursue topics of interest, including some that are not typically included in the regular schedule of classes. Students can take up to four different electives over the course of a single school year. Options courses have included everything from Mathletes to Filmmaking to Gender in the U.S.
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Educational Program

Middle School

Administrative Team

List of 3 items.

  • Anna McCorvey

    Head of Middle School
  • Cooper Bergdahl

    Assistant Head of Middle School
  • Danielle Epherson-Prabhu

    Academic Dean (8th Grade)

List of 2 items.

  • Lindsay Robinson

    Academic Dean (7th Grade)
  • David Listenberger

    Academic Dean (6th Grade)

Middle School

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